Weekly Tarotscopes

Tarotscopes are horoscopes written using tarot cards for each astrological sign. For Entertainment and Spiritual Purposes ONLY!

Copyright 2024 AHA Creative

September 15 – September 21, 2024

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries, you’ll have to wait. Someone else is in charge of the money and you’re sandwiched between two very powerful people-one has verbal or legal skills and the other is holding the purse strings. If you aren’t willing to see what’s happening or you’re upset about the possible outcome, it’s understandable. Make a plan to wait it out.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): It’s time to take the blindfold off. You’ve created a situation for yourself that you need to remove yourself from. Doesn’t look very promising at the moment, but you can do this. It may lead to not being able to gain from certain situations any longer but that’s part of the lesson.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): You’re able to help in a way now that you have never been able to help before. The foundation you’ve built for yourself is stabilizing. The time in is coming to a point of completion. It’s time to learn to balance between the mundane and the divine from now on.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Don’t give up. There’s a lot of messaging that you need to work through. You have good resources behind you, but you’re going to feel a little new at some of the tasks you’re being asked to perform. Negotiate where you can and stay out of squabbles. Squabbles will not help you.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): You’ve achieved the birth of something amazing, something that you’ve planned for yourself. You’re right in the process of birthing it. Any endings that were required before this birthing started have occurred. Don’t ignore offers that show up. Review them carefully and get a lawyer to help you if you need to.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Something you were working on just comes to a dead stop. It’s because there are too many secrets at the foundation of it. There’s a legal issue that needs to be addressed. You’re ready to step off into a completely different scenario, something that is joyful and fun for you.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): You keep dreaming of travel and change. There are fights in the future that you need to keep yourself separated from. You will come out on top. However, it’ll happen in its own way and not because of anything you plan to do to make it happen. Find a hobby or task to distract you.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Moving away from an old paradigm is transforming you. Contemplation and review have helped you cut some less than helpful ties. You’re in the process of making further decisions about which direction to move ,and you will be successful in moving away. It’s the right move even if you feel sorrow over it.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): It’s unusual for you to be a slow mover but that’s what you are this week. You have the verbal skills this week to sort out what’s happening and find your best direction. Don’t get caught up in the idea that you have to push against what’s already there. Step away and move toward with a fresh idea.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Shine your light this week. The information you have can help others. Sort out and refine each idea that supports your concept of abundance. You’ve got the strength to see this through. Plus, you’re going to have help from a pair of people-a younger person and an older person.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): It’s tempting to move away from the path opening up for you, and mainly because you weren’t clear about what you wanted in the first place. There is a moment where you want to charge in and cut away the misperceptions that you’ve had. When you do, you’re very successful.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): It’s time to support others in a fresh way. You’re in a place of transition and transformation you’ve done a lot of thinking about what works for you and what doesn’t work for you and how you can best serve others. Don’t let that momentum stagnate. Stay silent and observe when you’re around family. 

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September 8 – September 14, 2024

Aries (March 21 – April 19): The universe is reigniting old passions that you thought were long forgotten. These aspirations are resurfacing with a newfound clarity, urging you to give them another chance. Embrace this opportunity, as the timing is forming into a perfect moment for you to manifest these desires on a much grander scale.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Long-held beliefs are making a powerful statement in your life. The objectives you once pursued, but perhaps set aside, are now re-emerging with extra oomph. This is your chance to rewrite and re-arrange perceptions, with the cosmos supporting your efforts to bring more clarity and ease into reality.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Past intentions that have lingered in your heart are pushing their way back to the forefront. You’re being called to express a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose. Trust that the universe is aligning to help you manifest your efforts in ways you never imagined. You’re going to be very surprised at the outcome.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): You are being reminded this week that past plans that you’ve since abandoned were never truly out of reach. It’s a time to reconnect with those deep desires that you may have shelved. The energy now is ripe for realizing them in a big way, so don’t hesitate to bring these cherished visions into the light.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): The cosmos is shining a spotlight on your intentions and the way you choose to address them. With your natural charisma and determination, you’ll find that successfully manifesting your goals is not only possible but inevitable. Your desires are now ready to come to life in a bigger and brighter way.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): The diligent work you’ve put into past endeavors is starting to bear fruit. That business or product that once felt like it would never come forth is now returning to you with a renewed sense of possibility. Your attention to detail and practicality provide you with everything you need to bring these desires into reality.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Remember the boundless enthusiasm you once had for life and everything in your world? It’s all resurfacing, and boy do you have a story to tell! By bringing balance to your thoughts and actions, you’ll find your passions and desires are now more achievable than ever before.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Deep and long-forgotten storylines are awakening. Your moment to channel your power and determination is visible on the horizon. Expect a higher level of energy, thoughts and pursuits throughout the week and month. It’s possible to over extended yourself, so keep that in mind as you plan your week.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): The energy of the week is pulling you toward old pursuits and even older routines. Take action, but do so with caution and a deep scanning of your motives. This final opportunity to purge is action-packed and filled with aha! moments. (pause) Know this is the right time to cleanup your psychic trail and move on to happier days.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Previous plans are re-emerging and moving toward you with gusto. Your perseverance and discipline are your greatest assets and will be put to hard work this week and month. Prepare each area of your life to accept with ease the success your soul wants you to receive. Rethink the stubborn responses.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): You have many long-buried intentions that need your attention. Use your visionary thinking to manifest your favorite desires in innovative and unique ways. Please address health concerns with careful research and personal observations before accepting conventional treatments. Simple dietary and lifestyle shifts could actually be enjoyable.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Trust in your creative power and intuition this week to manifest some amazingly beautiful and lucrative results. The karmic situations you’ve been playing out are winding down. You now hold the power to get better outcomes for yourself. Helpers and supportive people are available, just ask for them to show up.

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July 23 – July 30, 2023

Aries (March 21 – April 19): The cosmos is calling on you to step into the transformative power of self-reflection. This week’s energies encourage you to dig deep into yourself and let go of any emotional baggage holding you back from achieving your dreams. Trust is important here. By releasing the past, you make room for new beginnings and opportunities more aligned with your true life’s purpose.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): It’s time to foster harmony and balance in all of your relationships. Start by communicating openly with loved ones. When you understand their perspectives, your connection becomes stronger. Nurturing these bonds that you hold dear adds to the genuine joy of living. It also provides a stronger support for you on your journey.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): You have strong intuitive skills. Now it’s time to take them deeper. By embracing your natural curiosity and delving into mystical pursuits, you widen the spectrum of knowledge and knowing available to you. Trust your instincts to unlock a deeper insight that can guide you through the uncertainties of life. This allows for wider decisions and responses.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): If you look closely this week, you’ll discover a sense of empowerment and growth in all every area of your life. Embrace the changes coming your way. These changes provide the stepping stones for success. Rely on your inner strength for best results. Your inner knowing will guide you through any challenges crossing your path during this transformative episode on Earth.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Leo, you must focus on your own self-care and well-being. It’s important to take time to recharge your spirit by indulging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. By nurturing yourself, your being can shine bright and inspire others to their higher calling. Your infectious enthusiasm and positive energy make you welcome anywhere.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Now is an opportune time to declutter your physical and mental spaces and get rid of unnecessary burdens. Instead or carrying the weight around, focus on simplifying your life. There is power in minimalism. Lightening your load allows you to move more freely. Clearing away the junk and organizing your surroundings leads to greater productivity.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Enter a more cosmic orientation by strengthening bonds with your friends and community. In order to uplift and inspire, you’ll need to be willing to accept social connections and engage in meaningful conversation. If you surround yourself with supportive souls, you’ll find greater joy and fulfillment in both personal and professional spheres.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Many opportunities for you to focus on personal growth and self-improvement will appear in the coming weeks. Any challenges are best seen as stepping stones and setbacks as valuable lessons. When you strive to become the best version of yourself, you can gain a profound sense of empowerment and inner strength.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): You’re being asked to explore new horizons and expand your knowledge. This can occur through through travel, education, or exploration of different cultures. By broadening your perspective and embracing diverse experiences, you extend your area of influence and further your own growth.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): The theme of abundance and prosperity are prominent this week. Look deeply at what’s occurring around you and you’ll see the universe is blessing you with opportunities for growth and stability. Success is within reach if your trust in your skills and work diligently towards your goals. A mindset of gratitude attracts even more blessings.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): The universe is urging you to focus on your emotional well-being. Take time to ease and heal past wounds. This provides comfort and support of your inner world, and can help you find clarity and peace. You’ll begin to see this reflected positively in your external world.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): If you see it in your outer world, then it needs to be healed inside of you. This may feel like a tough request, but the more you release internal struggles, the easier life becomes. Before you speak, stop yourself and count to 10. You may find you have nothing of real value to say, and you’ll also be able to “see” the real truth.

July 9, 2023 through July 15, 2023

Aries (March 21 – April 20)  

– Prepare for lots of energizing experiences ahead! Passion, skill and determination are scheduled to be at an all-time high. This will fuel your drive and ability to achieve long-time goals. Set some clear objectives and trust your inspiration and instincts to navigate challenges. It’s important to prioritize self-care during your busy schedule to maintain balance and well-being.

Taurus Tarotscopes (April 21 – May 20)  

– It’s a week of introspection and self-reflection. Spend time assessing your current situation and environment. Make adjustments where needed and be willing to let go of outdated directions. Peace and clarity can be found when you heal old wounds. This further paves the way for deeper personal growth. Embrace any positive changes you’ve made in relationships and release what no longer serves you.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)  

– Prepare for a week brimming with creative energy and spirit! Express yourself through your artistic endeavors and, above all, let your ideas flow freely. Using your exceptional communication skills will be invaluable for networking and building connections. Another key point, stay focused on priorities while still balancing social events and moments of solitude.

Cancer Tarotscopes (June 21 – July 22)  

– This week brings your attention to emotional growth and healing. Pay attention to your feelings and recognize your emotional needs. Above all, connect with loved ones and seek support whenever necessary. Use this time to nurture your home environment, whether through physical adjustments and changes or by strengthening bonds with family. Above all, remember vulnerability often results in personal transformation.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)  

– Step into the spotlight this week and enjoy the rush! It’s time to allow your natural leadership abilities and magnetism to shine through. Particularly, embrace opportunities where you can take charge and bolster your confidence. Charisma attracts growth and success. Remember to balance any ambition with self-care. Basically, this ensures your physical and mental well-being remain top priorities.

Virgo Tarotscopes (August 23 – September 22)  

– Time to seek harmony between your work and play. Certainly, create moments of relaxation, so you can recharge your energy. Declutter your physical and mental space. Especially create a harmonious environment to support the changes you’ve initiated. Additionally, trust your instincts and remember to find ways to express your needs. Nurture your relationships and surround yourself with positive influences.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)  

– Evidently your social life is ready to take center stage this week. Engaging in meaningful conversations and building connections with others is your focus. It’s important to seek harmony and balance in your relationships at this time. Certainly, resolve conflicts as they arise, instead of waiting to see what the other person does. As you do this, stay true to your values and remain peaceful…don’t overreact. Tapping into intuition helps you make important decisions. Self-reflection is emphasized right now.

Scorpio Tarotscopes (October 23 – November 22)  

– It’s important to embrace personal growth and transformation every day. By letting go of old patterns and trusting in your ability, you’ll rise above any challenges that show up. Fearlessly pursue subjects you’re passionate about and trust your inner knowing about the. Solitude is the key to connecting with your internal voice. Likewise, pay attention to your dreams and the valuable insights they hold.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)  

– Adventures are waiting for you! You’re encourage to expand your horizons. Reach for opportunities to learn and develop your personal landscape. Likewise, optimism and an adventuresome spirit will lead to some very exciting experiences. Always make sure to think things through before making any commitments. Many joyful connections are waiting for you to actually recognize and appreciate them.

Capricorn Tarotscopes (December 22 – January 19)  

– Your professional life and ambitions shine brightly this week. Remain focused and take pro-active steps towards achieving the goals you’ve planned out. Trust in yourself and your abilities. Especially, don’t shy away from any new responsibilities or tasks that support your goals. Furthermore, seek support from mentors or colleagues as needed.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)  

– Mental and emotional well-being are slated to be a top concern. Self-reflection and connecting with your true feelings is where you should focus. Each of us has unique qualities. Let go of the need for external validation and your uniqueness will effortlessly float into view. At this point, it’s critical to enhance your overall balance and inner harmony. Accomplish this by engaging in creative and spiritual pursuits.

Pisces Tarotscopes (February 20 – March 20)  

– Combine intuition and practicality this week, Capricorn. Trust your instincts, but also rely on your logical thinking to complete tasks. A supportive network is available to help you engage in creative and spiritual pursuits. Whether you want to or not, it’s time to assess your financial stability. Similarly, taking care of your physical health should be addressed. You’re looking for a more balanced nutrition and exercise plan.