Email Tarot Readings

This is an audio product saved in a .mp3 format. It’s sent via email to you. You are not required to be present for the reading.

Email readings are a great value for anyone who doesn’t have time to attend an online reading. You’ll be able to listen to your recording whenever and wherever you are able.

Please complete the needed information on the intake form available when you make your payment. This helps me connect to you without you being in front of me.

We Accept ALL Major Credit Cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, CashApp, PayPal, Venmo.

Details of Email Readings

  • These readings are scheduled just like an in-person reading.
  • Readings are recorded and sent the following day.
  • I conduct email readings using the name you go by (a first name only is fine) and a birth date.
  • Once recorded, your reading is sent to you using the email address you provide.