Horoscopes June 17 – June 23, 2019

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June 17 – June 23

Aries (March 21 – April 20) – This week you’re better able to move forward with your ideas and preferred manifestations. There’s a fresh new outlook for you to tap into internally. A new emotional focus is coming into the picture and it’s being created by you for you to experience. Stop second guessing yourself. You are creating your own reality.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20) – Summer arrives this week, and you relish its warmth and activity. The mental gyrations of the last two to three months are subsiding. That new direction you’ve been planning is now in motion. Take time to celebrate your newly found freedom and know things are just going to get better and better by the moment.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – It may appear to be a little stormy in your thoughts this week, but you’ve got nothing to worry about. However, that doesn’t mean you should speak or spend frivolously. Old habits and forms of thought need time to dissipate before you begin to see the results you desire. You may still be operating under a bit of illusion, so no fast moves right now. Understand?

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – The word “toggle” comes to mind for you this week. Fire in water isn’t very productive on the surface, but instead operates metaphysically as an electric current. There’s a gift of emotion wrapped up in this week’s experiences that you should be looking and feeling around for in the moments ahead. It’s going to present you with a new way to approach life, and that’s always a good thing to experience.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Charging into an existing situation isn’t going to get you the results you want. Yes, what’s ahead has a sad component to it, but that isn’t something to dwell upon for any reason. It’s just an identifier that lets you know you’re moving into new territory of your own making. You’re actually in the birth process and self-discovery is around every corner.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – You can let up on the visualization for a while. Now it’s time to watch what actually manifests for you, so you can adjust focus as needed. You’re surrounded by non-physical support, so stop pretending like you don’t have what you need. Consider the benefits of the chaos and forget about who said what. A strong female energy is pulling the strings at the moment. Hang on. This too shall pass.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) – You are now living from moment to moment, and you’re truly released from a host of past misperceptions. Your physical experience is now about realizing that and using it to your advantage. It’s still possible to rely on past behaviors, so don’t get so focused that you tighten up and get lost again. Just flow with it, baby, just flow with it, and see everything as beneficial to you in some way.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22) – Deep down there’s a reason for what’s happening on the surface. Stop trying to figure out what that reason might be. That way of thinking clogs up reality with a bunch of complications. The negotiations continue. The less emotionally attached you become to the outcome, the better off you’ll be when it all resolves. Lighten up!

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) – Internally you are feeding an emotional loop with your focus. You’re not operating from your inner senses as much you could be. At the foundation of your patterns is a group dynamic that makes you happy on the one hand, but utterly prevents you from speaking up when you probably should. This can work itself out. Just ask for guidance before you fall asleep at night (or even before a nap), and see what occurs to you when you wake up.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – It looks like everything is falling into place. There are a few minor tweaks and adjustments you’ll be making in the near future that will complete the movement/literal move you desire. Just remember, you’re in control here, and that means the reins are still in your hands. Negotiations are an important part of the outcome you want. A celebration is imminent.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19) – Keeping your thoughts to yourself and your mouth shut is beginning to pay off for you. This way of interacting has presented you with a whole host of opportunities and a completely new outlook on life. You can now explore the ideas you have further without the level of interference you once created for yourself. That’s a sign of deep personal power. Just don’t impose this process on others. That will backfire on you.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) – Don’t overthink what just happened. Your connection with that group of people is changing. and that means some folks feel threatened or displaced. That’s really their issue and not yours. You can play the role of pacifier and soother, which is where you usually head, and that’s fine. Just as long as you understand there will be further challenges for you to deal with personally if you keep returning to outdated responses.

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